Puppy charts

Free Printable – Puppy Training, Socialisation Chart

Puppy Socialisation Printable Chart – Week 2 


free printable puppy socialisation plann
                                  Puppy socialisation plan



You have your new puppy and you want it to be a well-rounded, relaxed and happy adult; one of the best things you can do with your puppy is  socialisation exercises .


Print week one if not competed already 

This can be lots of fun for both you and your puppy – the chart are suggestions and if you live in a busy city make sure your puppy experiences all the sounds, smells and people .Saying this don’t forget it is also important for your puppy to experience things you may not meet everyday – think if you lived in the city and never saw a sheep, and then one day you go on a picnic and just as you are taking a bite out of a scotch egg  and along comes a sheep…”What is that?” is what you would be ‘in so many words’ be screaming whilst running away from the white fluffy thing in front of you…what I am trying to say, imagine what your dog would do if the same thing happens – so think of everything

I will produce an empty chart for you to add your own socialisation experiences to fit around your own circumstances. 

For now, here is week 2, although I would use it for 2 weeks as it covers a lot. 

Puppy charts

Puppy Socialisation Plan week 2

Instructions on how to train your dog to tidy up their toys.

Instructions on how to train your dog by playing games

Instructions on how to train your dog how to tidy up their toys and how to make it into a game your dog will love to play. Follow these easy instructions to train your dog by doing only 10 minutes a day. This is part of a number of posts I write on dog training. take a look at my other games including ‘giving you a cuddle’ and ‘high five’. 

How to teach your dog to tidy up their toys


Why not teach your dog to clear up their own toys, you can by making it into a fun game. 

What you need

Toy Box / Toy Basket

Dog toys

Healthy small dog treats

Important information before you start :

The best way of teaching this game is to not to make the training sessions too long – good amount of time is to do about 5 to 10 minutes a day

Only play this game, if your dog is enjoying it and is actively engaged with the game. Don’t ever force your dog to do any action or game if it is causing them distress…now to the training

  • Put the toy box in a fixed place and place the toys near to the box.
  • Show your dog one of their favourite toys, such as, our French Bulldog, Dinky Daisy, loves her mini antler toy, I know she will always be willing to take it from me. 


  • Show this toy to your dog and encourage them to go with you to their toy box.
  • Hand this favourite toy to your dog so they are holding it in their mouth
  • Now is the clever bit…holding a treat in your hand, show your dog the treat and offer it to your dog so they drop the toy that is in their mouth into the toy box. As they drop the toy say the command you are going to use for this game – I say ‘tidy up’ 
Come on Grace time to tidy up !         


  • Practice just this a few times a day until your dog understands what you want them to do when you say your command.When your dog has understood, start introducing                   more toys, giving a treat on the second drop.
  • Keep practicing this everyday and in no time at all your dog will on command tidy up their  toys ! 


 Enjoy this training session and I would love to hear how you get on with your dogs new-found confidence in tidying up their toys – comments and photos of how your training is going are welcomed and you never know, you may end up on the next post ! 

If you need a new toy box why not buy this – clicking on this link costs you no more but gives me a few pennies to keep this blog going. 


Have a good day, Emily x